I am who I meet. we are who we meet. “I was supposed to start a new job downtown but now ,I’m working from home”, ” I don’t go out anywhere there are crowds”, ” I was supposed to take this great trip”, ” I was really looking forward to taking this class at the library”…. and so it goes in 2020. From the mundane to the grand, plans made, plans changed, plans canceled. Although […]
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Inspired by someone who’s words I ‘met’, and thought this the perfect place to share. Lynn Petrak, a freelance columnist, wrote an article published recently in the Pioneer Press. Titled, “Are hand held devices crushing conversation”, Ms Petrak likened the cause and effect to the quote of my day, ‘video killed the radio star’. She comments on the observations that while she, a master of small talk and finding common threads with strangers through conversation, […]
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