Tag Archives: Beth Zadik

“who do I even meet these days?”


1+ I am who I meet. we are who we meet. “I was supposed to start a new job downtown but now ,I’m working from home”, ” I don’t go out anywhere there are crowds”, ” I was supposed to take this great trip”, ” I was really looking forward to taking this class at the library”…. and so it goes in 2020. From the mundane to the grand, plans made, plans changed, plans canceled. […]

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Good Enough….knowing when to stop


5+ It wasn’t until I started working with my sister about 10 years ago that I finally understood what she meant when she would say “it’s good enough” as she would use this phrase frequently. We were working on a project for a client. The solution was basic without a lot of bells and whistles. But, the client was very happy with it as it achieved the desired goals and outcomes. A new person joined […]

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The best conversations happen in kitchens


6+ I was about a year into my divorce journey and thought I’d be further along in my grieving process by that point. But my grief was coming out like a child with a balloon who is just letting little bits of air slip through the hole. I was sitting at her island in her kitchen creating a puddle of tears. Again. I said, “I feel like I am standing on the shore of this […]

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How my village started


5+ We were moving to Skokie, where I really had no friends.  I was fortunate to have the support of my husband’s family.  We were deciding between two preschools for my son Ben.  In the parking lot of the 2nd preschool, I saw a mother with 2 kids, who stopped to talk to me.  She told me that this preschool was amazing and so different from the other.  She told me of it’s warmth and […]

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Giving to others


5+ While I was about 8 years old I always remember sitting on Sunday morning with my grand father at a small table while he was opening envelopes and then writing checks.  I first had to find out “What is a Check?”  Grandpa said you never mail money to someone but it’s OK to send a check. After looking at all of the mail received during the week asking for money. Grandpa would look in […]

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