Category Archives: Family

The pink bow ……. choose your battles


It was a weekend when all my siblings were in town visiting. My daughter was about 3 years old at the time. She had long curly hair which was pulled back with a barrette with a BIG PINK BOW. She was so proud of it. She loved it as it was a gift from her grandmother. I did not share her feelings of adoration for this item. Being completely truthful, I would never have purchased this […]

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Lioness or B**ch

mostuff   September 1, 2017   No Comments on Lioness or B**ch

My daughter was less than a year old when I got divorced.  Around the time she was 4-5 years old, there was a horrible and ugly court battle with my ex over custody….among other things. There were several events that occurred where the safety and security of my daughter was in jeopardy when she was with him. We were working with a therapist at the time. I remember tell her about what happened at the […]

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Steady on the helm

ghartke   August 23, 2017   No Comments on Steady on the helm

Mother Nature was angry and she was punishing us with heavy winds, high seas, and the kind of rain that stings when it hits your face. Dad was at the helm and I was trimming the sails. We were about three hours from home and the only choice was to keep going. I’d never been in conditions like this and I was scared. I looked to my left and could see that dad was not. […]

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How my village started


We were moving to Skokie, where I really had no friends.  I was fortunate to have the support of my husband’s family.  We were deciding between two preschools for my son Ben.  In the parking lot of the 2nd preschool, I saw a mother with 2 kids, who stopped to talk to me.  She told me that this preschool was amazing and so different from the other.  She told me of it’s warmth and how […]

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“I am Charming”, The Power of Words


Dinner time was always special in my family.  Mother, Dad, Maggie, Nancy, Stuart, Walter and I would use this time to share stories and tell jokes. Since my mother was certainly not known for her cooking we needed to focus on something else during dinner. One night Nancy (age 10) asked my father “Dad, am I pretty?” to which he replied, “Yes, Nancy, you are really pretty – different from Maggie (age 16) who is […]

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Giving to others


While I was about 8 years old I always remember sitting on Sunday morning with my grand father at a small table while he was opening envelopes and then writing checks.  I first had to find out “What is a Check?”  Grandpa said you never mail money to someone but it’s OK to send a check. After looking at all of the mail received during the week asking for money. Grandpa would look in his […]

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